Security Workforce Management
My Property Management
My Property Access
Visitor Management System
Yards Parking Management
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Your management partner supervising guards activities, posts duties.
GPS Tracking Location
Patrolling Control
Time & Attendance
Clock-in & Clock-out
Incidents Reports
Parking Violation
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Track & view Property Manager Activities.
Violation Letters
Mass Communication
Architectural Modification
Residents Database
Register Pets
Vehicles and Transponders
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Allows residents to manage and streamline visitors, vendors, and deliveries access to the community.
QR Invitation for Visitors
Authorize Vendors
Register Realtors
Mail & Packages
Vehicle Registration
Announcements & Documents
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Expedite processing at the gate, lowers the traficc volume in the line and improve the services to the residents.
Resident Profiles Management
Property Access Control
Delivery Management Features
Compliance and Regulation Tools
Community Communication Systems
Security and Monitoring Solutions
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Control and Register Drivers Access, Containers and other Equipments.
Equipment Tracking Solutions
Container Management Systems
Driver Access Protocols
Equipment Registration Services
Yard Efficiency Analytics
Safety and Compliance Tools
Security Workforce Management
My Property Management
My Property Access
Visitor Management System
Yard Parking Management